BBC Children in Need

  • Channel: BBC West

  • Genre: Live Broadcast

  • Released: 2018

  • Presenters: Andy Day, Alex Lovell

  • Producer: Jules Hyam

Live broadcast for BBC Children in Need (Bristol and the West) in Nov 2018, presented by CBeebies’ Andy Day and Points West’s Alex Lovell.

Alongside a core team of four BBC West staff, more than 60 children and young people were involved with creating content and films, and crewing for the 25 min live outside broadcast for BBC One.

The first year cohort of The Bottle Yard Studios Film & TV Production Diploma delivered by boomsatuma created designs for set dressing, painted sets and supported the live broadcast in roles ranging from assistant floor managers to grips, boom operators and runners.

Young people from Knowle West Media Centre, Creative Youth Network, Off the Record, ACTA, City of Bristol College and South Bristol Skills Academy were also involved.