Our accessibility commitment
The Bottle Yard Studios is an active member of The TV Access Project (TAP), having become a TAP Activator in 2022. Our operational team is committed to the continued improvement of accessibility across our two sites.
If you have any accessibility requirements, need help planning your site experience or have any queries or feedback, please contact us by emailing thebottleyard@bristol.gov.uk or calling 01173576888.
What is TAP?
Launched in 2022, The TV Access Project (TAP) is an alliance of the UK’s biggest broadcasters and streamers who have pledged to work together to create a substantive and permanent structural shift which will ensure access provision for deaf, disabled and neurodivergent talent.
We support TAP’s vision to see full inclusion in the television industry by 2030, where no disabled talent is ever excluded because barriers have been removed and equity created.
TAP is organised through six workstreams: Industry Best Practice Guidance, Access to Work, Funding, Access Coordinators, Talent Retention and Progression and Production Spaces. Each workstream comprises members that meet regularly and also come together in a forum to discuss progress and shape future work.
The Bottle Yard Studios is a member of the Production Spaces workstream, focused on supporting Studios, Facilities, Post Production Houses, VFX and Outside Broadcast Units to make their spaces accessible so that Disabled people can carry out their roles on an equitable basis.
TAP Activator
As a TAP Activator, The Bottle Yard Studios is committed to becoming accessible and inclusive by 2030.
We are committed to:
- Prioritising access and adopting the 5A’s (Anticipate, Ask, Assess, Adjust, Advocate) as part of our working practice
- Prioritising disability training to help embed The 5As into the business environment
- Appointing an Access Lead or Champion within our organisation to ensure all users have their accessibility needs met
- Carrying out an access audit (TAP’s Production Buildings Audit Checklist)
- Publishing an action plan identifying how we will address the issues highlighted by the audit and become accessible and inclusive by 2030
- Understanding that clients and/or anyone on our sites – including cast, crew, suppliers, freelancers or staff – may have access needs
- Encouraging open, honest ad non-judgemental dialogue between all parties
- Understanding that access is everyone’s responsibility

TAP Toolkit
The TAP Toolkit is a thorough resource, developed in partnership with TAP members, specifically aimed at production. The toolkit is designed to guide production in hiring, implementing reasonable adjustments, and making spaces and locations accessible, ensuring an inclusive work environment. The Toolkit is available to all via the Pact website here.
Our TAP Leads
The Bottle Yard’s two TAP Leads are our Studio Coordinators Rebecca Old (main site) and Kelly Davies (TBY2).
Ask for them at Reception or email them at thebottleyard@bristol.gov.uk.

Our TAP Audit
We are in the process of completing the TAP audit of our dual-site facility. A number of staff have attended TAP training, which outlines studios’ responsibilities and measures they can introduce to improve access, as laid out in TAP’s Production Buildings Audit Checklist.
Our premium facility TBY2 (est. 2022) is a recent conversion which had high standards of accessibility prioritised through every stage of design and construction.
Due to the age and retroffited nature of our main site buildings, we have commissioned Proudlock Associates to provide bespoke training for our team to ensure that this section of our TAP audit is as thorough and effective as possible.
We are committed to completing our full TAP audit by the end of 2025.
Recent improvements
Partnership work
In April 2025 we will be partnering with TAP to host a bespoke training event at The Bottle Yard Studios for representatives of non-purpose-built production facilities, to explore TAP auditing for retrofitted industrial conversions and encourage knowledge sharing.
We are also proud to have partnered with Bristol UNESCO City of Film and Bristol Film Office to deliver the West of England Workforce Development Programme 2024/25 at the Studios, supporting local entrants from backgrounds underrepresented in the industry, including disabled people and those identifying as D/deaf or neurodiverse.
Find out more
For more information about TAP and accessibility for spaces and locations, visit the PACT website here.