
DarkGame (Apple TV US)

Thriller following determined detective Ben Jacobs (Ed Westwick) on a race against time to stop a twisted game show on the dark web, where captives are forced to compete for their lives for the entertainment of the criminal underworld who gamble on the results.

Set in Portland, Oregon, the entire shoot was carried out at The Bottle Yard Studios with additional filming at a Bristol office location arranged by the city’s Film Office team.

Produced by Bristol-based company Happy Hour Productions.


  • Format: Feature Film

  • Genre: Drama, Thriller

  • Released: 2024

  • Channel: Apple TV US

  • Production companies: Happy Hour Productions, Principal Film Finance

  • Writers: Tom George, Gary Grant, Niall Johnson

  • Director: Howard J. Ford

  • Producer: Tom George, Natalya Tsvetkova